Alice in Chains

Pretty Done(Tabs)

Alice in Chains

Key: B5

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    Lead Guitar:  4x 

    Rhythm Guitar: 

Info:In verse gives music, the two guitars will play the base guitar riff intro: 

|-------------------------------------| 4x 

|------------------------------------| 4x 

Lesson Intro Again: 

Info:Riff in the introduction, the guitar part that pulls based arrangements, remained the same until the fourth part, which enters a middle ground: 

    Lead Guitar:  4x 

    Rhythm Guitar: 
       1 time                                          2 time                 3 time 

And now the middle ground: 
    4 time 

Verse Again: 

|-------------------------------------| 4x 

Chorus Again: 

|------------------------------------| 4x 

Info:And now comes a different riff that complements the end of the chorus: 

Third Riff: 

|-----------------------------------------------------------------| 4x 

Solo of third riff: 
|---------------------------------------| 4x 

Info: Now comes the soil, the same basic guitar riff makes the introduction: 
   Rhythm Guitar 
|-------------------------------------| 4x 

    1 part 

    2 part 

Verse Again: 

|-------------------------------------| 4x 

Chorus Again: 

|------------------------------------| 4x 

Third Riff Again: 

|-----------------------------------------------------------------| 4x 

Solo of third riff: 
|---------------------------------------| 4x 

Last Chorus: 

|-------------------------------------|    |-----------------------| 
|-------------------------------------|    |-----------------------| 
|-------------------------------------| 4x |-----------------------| 
|-------------------------------------|    |---9-9-----------------| 
|---8br-8br-7h8-8-8-8----8-8-8-8-8-8-7|    |---9-9----7^8-7^8~~----| 
|-------------------------------------|    |---7-7-----------------| 

 B5 F5 E5 G#5 A5 A#5

See Also: