Alice in Chains

God Smack(Tabs)

Alice in Chains

Key: Eb

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	        I don't know how I did it, but I got it done. 
Eb tuning (as usual) 
Rhy. fig. 1 Gtr. 1 
(end Rhy. fig. 1) 
Verses (Rhy. fig. 1 4 times w/1 & 2; 2 times w/3 
1. Care not for the men who wonder, straw that broke your back, you're 
Cast all them aside who care, empty eyes and dead end stare 
2. For the horse you've grown much fonder, than for me, that I don't ponder 
As the heir of one who bit you. Smiling bite your own self too. 
3. So be yearning all your life, twisting turning like a knife 
Rhy. fig. 2 Gtr. 1 
(end Rhy. Fig. 2) 
Play Rhy. fig. 2 twice with these: 
1. Don't you know that none are blind, to the lie and you think I don't 
2. And I think that you're not blind, to the ones you left behind 
3. Now you know the reasons why, can't get high, or you will die. 
1. What you hide 
2. I'll be here 
3. Or you'll die 
Rhy. fig. 3 Gtr. 1 w/wah (end Rhy. fig. 3) 
Rhy. fig. 3 four times with this: 
1., 2., 3. What in God's name have you done? Stick your arm for some real 
Solo (w/Rhy. fig. 1 twice) 
A.H... A.H.... 
P.M. P.M. P.M. 
Rhy. fig. 3 (3 1/2 times) with: 
3. So your sickness weighs a ton, and God's name is smack for some. 
End with 


Written by Jerry Cantrell

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