TV Cifras

Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin(Keyboard chords)

TV Cifras

Key: E

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E7     E/D  
Amazing grace  
    Asus2/C#    E7   E7/D  A/C#  E7/D  
How sweet the sound  
 E7           C#m7       B7  A7/C#  B7/D#  
That saved a wretch like me  
 E7    F#m7(5b)/E  
I once was lost,   
  A/E        E7 E7/D  A/C#  E7/D   
but now I'm found  
 C#m7   F#4(7)  F  E7 Eb D7 E4 E  B5+  
Was blind, but now I see  


E7 E7/D A/C# E7/D  
'Twas grace   
E7 E7/D A/C# E7/D  
that taught  
A7 D/A E/A D/A  
my heart   
to fear  
E7      B/D# C#m7      B7  A7/C#  B7/D#  
And grace my fears relieved  
E7      F#m7(5b)/E     A/E   F#m7(5b)(9)/E  
How precious did that grace appear  
E7  C#m7  G Gb F   E7   E/G# A7 Bbº B7(9)  C#5+  
The hour I first believed  

   F#7  F7 F#7  F7 F#7     
When we've been there   
B/F#      Bm6/F#  
ten thousand years  
       F#7   D#m7     C#7  B7/D#   C#/F   
Bright shining as the sun,  

      F#7    E7     A/C#    Bm6/D     
We've no less days to sing God's praise  
F#7 D#m7     G#7   G7   F#5   C#5+    G7(9)   F#7   
Than when we've first begun  



See Also: