Deitrick Haddon

Mighty God(Keyboard chords)

Deitrick Haddon

Key: Ebm

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Intro: Ebm6 Fm7 

Ebm6         Ebsus Eb Ebm6    Bb     
Father we are all here  to     worship.., 
Bbsus  Ab 
And    praise you (yeah, yeah) 
       Ebm6         Ebsus EbEbm6 Bb     
and Father we are so sincere to show you..,  
               Bbsus Ab 
how much we love you (yeah yeah) 

Eb Ab What a mighty God we serve Eb Ab ( what a mighty God we serve) Eb Ab The creator of heaven and earth Eb Ab (the creator of heaven and earth)
Vamp Ab Bb There are no words that I can say, Cm Bb Eb to glorify the greatest name. Ab Cm When others are ashamed to say, C# C#m7 C# C#m Ab Bb I will still proclaim you're a mighty God. Ab you're a mighty God Bb you're a mighty God Cm you're a mighty God Ab you're a mighty God Ab you're mighty, Bb you're mighty C# C#m7 C# C#m Ab Bb I will still proclaim you're a mighty God
Eb Ab What a mighty God we serve Eb Ab (what a mighty God we serve) Eb Ab I will always put you first Eb Ab (I will always put you first)
Vamp Ab Bb There are no words that I can say, Cm Bb Eb to glorify the greatest name. Ab Cm When others are ashamed to say, C# C#m7 C# C#m Ab Bb I will still proclaim you're a mighty God. Ab you're a mighty God Bb you're a mighty God Cm you're a mighty God Ab you're a mighty God Ab you're mighty, Bb you're mighty C# C#m7 C# C#m Ab Bb I will still proclaim you're a mighty God Modulation A you're a mighty God B you're a mighty God C#m you're a mighty God A you're a mighty God A you're mighty, B you're mighty D Dmaj7 D D A B I will still proclaim you're a mighty God Modulation Bb you're a mighty God C you're a mighty God Dm you're a mighty God Bb you're a mighty God Bb you're mighty, C you're mighty Eb Ebmaj7 Eb D#m Bb C I will still proclaim you're a mighty God Outro F Eb Yes He's a Mighty God Gm He's a Mighty God Bb He's a Mighty God

Written by Deitrick Vaughn Haddon, Cordell Walton

See Also: