Beats & Grooves

Intermediate - Learning Hot To Drum-p Ix(Drums tabs)

Beats & Grooves

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At this point, you have just about learned everything a good drummer needs to know.
But now these next parts will focus on extra things for your drumming, with new
beats, technique, and overall performance. There will be important parts, and parts
That are just good ideas for playing. This next lesson is just using the floor tom
and the snare drum. But since the drums are far apart, you have to focus on 
staying with the beat, since when you move back and forth you may not hit the drum
in the center or may miss. 

The floor tom

S |----xxxx----xxxx|

Thats just a warm-up. Dont move on if you think you arnt hitting the drums fast 
enough or were you should (the center or werever you can hear the drum efficiently)

S |----xxxx--xx--xx|

If the sitcks fly out of your hand, a common problem, then it either means you arnt
hitting the drums right (you may be hitting the rims of them) your hitting them to
hard, or you just arnt holding on the the sticks hard enough.

S |--------xxxxxxxx--xx--xxxxxxxxxx|

REMEMBER that these arnt really drumrolls, but are still fast, so you can hit that
last part with both hands, but close to as fast as a beginner-normal drummer can.
If this is hard, then slow down just to understand what your doing then speed it up

S |----xxxx-xxxx-------xx--xx--xx----|
B |------------------------------xxxx|

I just thought I might add some bass in there to make it a little harder.
Now Im going to add a chipping hi-hat (when oyu press down the hi-hat to make that
quick chip noise) Just to get ready for the next lesson. You Dont have to do it at
first, or at all, but its good for practice.

H |c---c---c---c---c---c---c---c---|
S |xxxx----------------xxxx--------|
B |------------xxxx------------x---|

If you did chip the Hi hat, then make sure you did it loud enough so you could hear 
it. Try to add it in in the other tabs too, if you can or if you want to. And make
sure your actually able to do all these fast. Rate this on how much it helped.
Questions or Comments - Email me at [email protected]


See Also: