Beats & Grooves

Beginner - Beginner Coordination With Drums(Drums tabs)

Beats & Grooves

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KEY:  H.H= Hi Hat played with sticks
       S = Snare
       B = Bass drum
 ~~x= strike hi-hat while its closed
   o= open hit to a drum or hi-hat if indicated

This is a really good start for coordination between the bass counts, keeping time with the Hi-hats and snare control, practice at first slowly then build it up faster for a full effect of the feel of your kit.  It\'ll get you used to the snare, Hi-hat, and bass early on so here goes...

H.H  |x-x-x-x---x---x-x|    Repeat until you get the beat down as fast as you like
  S  |----o---o---o---o|    Not only will it help, but it sounds cool too!
  B  |o----------------|
     |1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a |


See Also: