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Em G Am
Gra-cious God of Wis-dom
Em G Am
Who hears your peo-ple's cry,
D G Am
Teach us ways of pru-dence,
C Bm
O Breath of God Most High!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Might-y voice on Si-nai
Em G Am
Whom Moses heard in awe,
D G Am
Ad-o-nai now lead us,
C Bm
With ho-ly arm and law!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Fragrant Bud of Jesse,
Em G Am
Whose blooming kings revere,
D G Am
Root your words with-in us,
C Bm
God's Word for all to hear!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Da-vid's key of Hea-ven
Em G Am
Re-lease us from our sins,
D G Am
Freed from er-ror's pris-on,
C Bm
Our life in you begins!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Blaz-ing Sun of Just-ice
Em G Am
The flame of east-ern dawn,
D G Am
Scat-ter cling-ing shad-ows,
C Bm
That gloom of death be gone!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Sov-ereign of all na-tions
Em G Am
Our cor-ner-stone of trust,
D G Am
De-li-ver in your mer-cy,
C Bm
Your crea-tures made from dust!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth-ing star.
Em G Am
Je-sus be God with us
Em G Am
Em-man-nu-el fore-told,
D G Am
Like a shep-herd feed us,
C Bm
in safe-ly gath-ered fold!
Bm Am D C Em
Ma-ra-na-tha, Lord, Mes-si-ah
C D Bm
Long a-wai-ted from a-far.
Am D C Em
Come and make your home a-mong us.
C D Em
Let us see your birth- ing star.
C D Em
Let us see your birth- ing star!