Jethro Tull

Wond'ring aloud(Chords)

Jethro Tull

Key: C

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	        Intro:C   D 

CWond'ring Amaloud how we Gfeel toDday
CLast night sipped the Amsunset my Ghands on her Dhair
CWe are our own Dsaviours as we Gstart both our Dhearts beating Emlife
Ginto each Dother
CWond'ring Amaloud will the Gyears treat us Dwell
CAs she floats in the Amkitchen I'm Gtasting the Dsmell
Of Ctoast as the Dbutter runs
Then she Gcomes, spilling Dcrumbs on the Embed
GAnd I shake my Dhead
And it's Dmonly the Cgiving that Gmakes you
EmWhat you Dare

Written by Ian Anderson

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