Jethro Tull

Rosa on the Factory Floor(Chords)

Jethro Tull

Key: Dm

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	        Intro,chords:       Dm        C Bb C Dm  
Bass during intro:  D  C Bb A G F  E D  
She moves with machinery for the fancy sports car trade.  
 C                       Gm                              Dm  
Part of the industrial process: she sees that they stay made.  
She works from early A.M.. They work her to the bone.  
        C              Gm                                     Dm  
When I call her in the evening, she's too tired to lift the phone.  
 F                                        C  
Damned if I'll wait for her, and I'll be damned if I don't.  
 Gm         Eb                                  F       Dm  
Damned if I only see that Rosa on the factory floor.  
Signed on for the duration.  They say she came from the East.  
 C                         Gm                            Dm  
With her tool bag and her coveralls, to pay the rent at least.  
She doesn't talk with the workers on the rest of the line  
    C            Gm                               Dm  
and over in the canteen, she's alone most of the time.  
 F                             C  
Somewhere in her history is a lock without a key.  
  Gm                   Eb                              F  
She doesn't trust the management--and she won't trust me.  
 F                                     C  
We're two different animals.  We live jungles apart.  
  Gm                    Eb                            F     Dm  
She circles round her freedom and I circle round her heart.  
Instrumental part (each beat written for easier following):  
Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb F  F  D D  
C  C  Bb Bb Eb Eb Bb Bb Ab Ab Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm...  
The same as above written in an alternative way: !  
Gm (6 beats)      Eb (4 beats)Bb    F     D      !  
C     Bb    Eb    Bb    Ab    Eb    Bb    Dm     !  

Written by Ian Anderson

See Also: