Every body duck

Happy-Smiley Song(Chords)

Every body duck

Key: G

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	        G               D          G           G 
       Chorus: Oh-Oh-Oh, La-La-La I'm so glad to be alive 
               G               D           G C G 
               Oh-Oh-Oh, La-La-La Life is good 
               G               D             G            C 
               Oh-Oh-Oh, La-La-La Jesus is living in my life 
                            G            D                   G C G 
               He took my sadness and I know it's gone for good       
              Family Man 
              (C) Christian Cake & Gospel Punch Music(BMI) 
              transcribed by Israel Slick 
Intro and verses:       
G C G Em A G Chorus: Family man where is your family now With their eyes full of tears C Em And their hearts torn apart at your hands G C G Em Well they're crying at home A G Wondering what they did wrong C And you're trying to pretend what you're doing's not a sin Em But you're wrong

Written by Everybodyduck

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