As The Days Of Noah(Cavaco chords)
Misty Edwards
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As in the days of Noah
Is a prophetic oracle concerning
The 2nd coming of Jesus.
In Matthew 24, Jesus says
That in the day of His appearing
It will be as in the days of Noah.
Before Noah went into the ark,
People were eating and drinking and marrying
Thinking that business would go on as usual
Because it had never flooded before.
They thought Noah was a fool
For all of those years of building a boat on sand.
What a shock when the rain
Started falling and the door was shut!
So it will be in the days
Of the Coming of the Son of Man.
Peter said for us to remember this
First that many scoffers would come
In that day saying,
'Where is the promise of His appearing?'
There will be false prophets saying,
'Peace and safety!' when there is no peace
As Jesus begins to shake everything that can be s