Dave Matthews Band

Bartender(Bass guitar)

Dave Matthews Band

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Great song of the new album 'busted stuff'. its super fun but some parts are hard to hear so just try ure best!!
main verse/chorus (mess around with it)
high part that u can barely hear at 1:38 and 3:35 (approx.)
breakdonw/'..bended knees..'(mess lots)
soft singing part 4:48  (*=hold note)
jam after slow part
ok, on the free dvd that comes with the new cd, this song is played, and around 6:40
there is a wicked little part by stefan, this man is seriously talented and double jointed as a mofo (watch it in slo-mo) so here it is its also way fast:
super slow part til the end (^=harmonic)
lotsa other little nuances but i cant tab them all, keep it real brotha's and sista's
p.s. all credit to the dmb