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1 H xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx T _______x_________ repeat 4 times S __x___x____x___xx intro B x___xx___xx_x_x__ 2 C ______________x_x H x_x_x_x_x_x_x____ repeat 4 times S __x___x___x______ chorus 1 B x___xx__xx_x_xx_x (with loose hi hat) go back and play 1, 4 times verse 1 go back and play 2, 4 times chorus 2 3 C x_______x_______x______________x H __x_x_x___x_x_x___x_x_x_xx_xx_x_ play with loose hi hat S __x___x___x___x___x___x_xx_xx_x_ B xx_xxx__xx_xxx__xx_xxx_x__x__x_x go back and play 2, 2 times with one crash at the end go back and play 1, 4 times verse 2 go back and play 2, 4 times go back and play 3 once go back and play 2, 4 times
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